Are you skeptical and doubting your academic performance?

‘Profess’ faculty and supervisors cater individualized needs of Bachelor’s and Master’s level students, in the forms of tutoring and research support.

Upgradation of educational technologies, advancement of curricula, and rapidly changing labor market conditions necessitate for individualized responsiveness of student’s needs so that their slack performance in some subject(s) is not transmitted into deficiencies and long-term inabilities.

Our team, faculty members, and research supervisors keenly focus on assessing the specific needs of students and planning sessions in a fully customized manner. This craftsmanship of reproducing knowledge for the specific audience using observations, notions, and the narrative makes academicians as a professor.


Preferred domain and the focus

Our prime focus is on college and university students who may need academic support to redeem their academic performance according to the criterion of academic excellence, as specified by their institutions.

Along with creating ease for students in terms of tutoring in specialized domains, we primarily specialize in research support: enhancing analytical and quantitative research skills; and the ability to do research that is compatible with international standards. Instead of creating reliance for supplementary academic support, our objective is that the prospective student can perform indigenously, after taking few sessions from our faculty/ research supervisors.


Accessibility and outreach

Along with the provision of in-person meetings, facilitation has been created in terms of the one-on-one Webcam and online sessions. All faculty and supervisors are duly equipped with all needed academic tools such as access to databases of academic literature, packages of the data analysis, and digital/ graphical tablets so that none of the academic requirements is compromised. All efforts are made to create the feel of a live classroom, and interactive communication between prospective students and our faculty/ research supervisors. We feel that the need for one on one consultation in form of online guidance has further been increased during the recent pandemic of Covid-19.


Ease of access

As the ‘Profess’ initiative is an outcome of a collaborated effort of faculty members and research supervisors, so ‘Profess’ doesn’t charge any fee for making contact with the faculty and with research supervisors.

We have structured a rather detailed format for ‘Contact us’, so that prospective students can duly explain specific needs and the ‘Profess’ team can direct him/her to the best-suited faculty or the supervisor, in the shortest possible span.

    Contact us

    We don't charge any fee for making contact with the faculty and with research supervisors.

    In order to minimize the contact time with the faculty, and with the intent of extending guidance earliest, we suggest providing sufficient information about your lesson and/or research needs.

    Note: Though the response time is generally a few hours, you should expect a concrete response to your query within a span of one day