Doing Survey Research: Interviews and questionnaires

Are you planning to do Survey Research: interviews and questionnaires?

‘Profess’ can help you with all the phases such as structuring, phrasing, scaling, coding & analysis of the data. While dealing with Survey research students we have the following considerations:

Choosing the most suited medium of Survey Research:

Survey research has quite diversified formats and can be conducted in a variety of manners, so that effective communication with respondents may be established with minimal chances of refusal and noncooperation.

Keeping in view the topic of the researcher, and the time constraint, we try to devise a method that may have a high academic value. Synchronizing research hypotheses with the nature of the data in use is also an important consideration that needs to be taken care of.

Structuring and designing interviews and questionnaires:

We emphasize constructing interviews that are more suited for deep probing and direct interaction with the interviewee. However, questionnaires may appear in form of semi-structured and fully structured. Depending upon the need for further analysis of the data, using qualitative or quantitative tools, the most suited method of communication with respondents is finalized.

Important stages that grab our attention include, structuring the interview or the questionnaire into different sections; phrasing of questions; deciding about the sequence and the layout of the questionnaire, using suitable scaling options, and coding each of the questions using suitable scales. Deciding about the proportion of the structured and unstructured parts of the questionnaire is a rather complex choice to make as it may cause some loss of information at the stage of the data analysis.

Pretesting questionnaires, testing reliability, and avoiding pitfalls

Before conducting the questionnaire, we greatly suggest researchers to pretest the questionnaire for good coverage, for inclusion of the waisted information, and for the sequence of questions as any error may undermine the credibility of the quality of the data. In addition to that, a good questionnaire should try to minimize some survey errors such as the auspices bias, acquaintances bias, social desirability bias, etc.

Sample Design, and related fieldwork:

Selecting the most suited audience of the survey, how to contact respondents, if there is a need to add a counter biasing statement, what should be the suitable sample size, how the questionnaire should have been floated, how to follow up respondents for high response etc are the questions that we need to address with diligence.

Data editing and getting the data ready for analysis: 

Based upon the quality of responses, and item non-response, sometimes we need to discard some of the questionnaires, and we have to make sure that the survey data is of respectable quality.

About the Supervisor

The research supervisor has diversified and multidisciplinary research interests, in the domains of social sciences and in humanities.

Has 17 years experience in academic research, including roles as thesis supervisor, senior research fellow, and research coordinator.

Has supervised theses in domains of Business administration, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, and Psychology.

An author of 13 journal articles, and participated in international conferences.

Reviews and recommendations

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


Superb! I learned a lot about the use of quantitative tools for the analysis of the data and how to structure my thesis, from the ‘Profess’ supervisor. Sheer competence and absolutely recommended!

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


With regards to Thesis support,​ the​ ‘Profess’​ supervisor proved to​ ​be an incredibly trustworthy and extremely knowledgeable​,​ given his extensive knowledge and background as a thesis advisor. Not only was ​he​ available to help me grasp econometric and quantitative topics I struggled with but he was also available to review the overall structure of my Thesis, assisting with support of appropriate sections and selecting a clear but highly appropriate Thesis title, something which I did not have prior to our meeting. Over the three weeks spent working with him I truly believe that the ‘Profess’ supervisor has allowed me to bring my overall thesis up to a first-class standard paper (fingers crossed!) especially given where I originally sat. He also shared available resources for me to look into needed topics relating to my thesis such as the lead-led impact of adaptive expectations in affecting Stock market volatility. I would therefore highly recommend him, to any student at any stage of their thesis in need of a patient and the highly knowledgeable thesis supervisor, who will spend the time you need to achieve the best possible grade in your Thesis.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


Marvelous! A trustworthy and knowledgeable person. He paid full attention and his time to my proposed plan of research, with care and dedication. He is precise, competent, and impeccable. I am very grateful to him for making me survive in my dissertation.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


Superb experience of learning, as I grasped lots of thoughtful know-how from your guidance! It really helped me understand the difficult stages of my research proposal and concepts of quantitative methods, such as regression and ANOVA. The way you explain things is clear, direct, and self-explanatory. I really like your style of guidance as it makes me comfortable especially at difficult stages of my thesis, and while interpreting my results.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


Perfect! He is keen, competent, and stable-headed. Manages the time and difficult situations, effectively. Highly recommended for troubleshooting as part of thesis or in the domain of quantitative modeling.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


Superb! Passionate, enthusiastic and above all a cool person with a natural inclination to approach rather complex quantitative situations, with clarity. His knowledge and exposure to deal with quantitative research seem to be deeply grounded in an understanding of econometrics, statistics, and mathematics, and he is used to demonstrating expertise in this regard tremendously and repeatedly. His worthy guidance and comments may especially be seen as invaluable for research students, persons who are doing a thesis for the first time in their life, and for those who seek guidance in quantitative methods.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


He has a strong grasp on applied model building, competing for research designs, and methodological paradigms. He can delicately choose a suitable methodology, with a reasonable understanding of the efficacy of tools as well as limitations of a said method. He is naturally inclined to use quantitative modeling skills in his coaching and thesis supervision experience. Much recommended.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


Fabulous and excellent in coaching and problem-solving skills, specifically in research and quantitative methods! Dedicated and able to manage things, quickly! He provides unparalleled professional support, guidance, and problem-solving assistance. There is no doubt that his professional competence is at a very high level, and he is conscientious and orderly, as I experienced him as genuinely committed to desiring and doing his utmost to help me become as good as possible. He responded quickly to all my inquiries, which made progress in my work on the subject. He has commendable writing expression.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


The competent’ is the expression that comes to mind when I think about him. He is that smart avid person who inspires everyone with his intellectual, creative, responsible, calm, witty, cool-headed attitude. I was always looking forward to enjoying his’s capacity to influence a meeting and get people on board with his analytical ideas—even people who were initially on completely different pages.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


Perfekt! An incredibly knowledgeable, helpful and so calm person! So much support I received along the way and with positive feedback gave me the confidence that no matter how difficult some courses are, it goes with the right help. I sought help in quantitative methods to ensure my proficiency. Everything just seems so simple when the right person helps and explains it


Along with the provision of in-person meetings, facilitation has been created in terms of the one-on-one Webcam and online sessions.

All faculty and supervisors are duly equipped with all needed academic tools such as access to databases of academic literature, packages of the data analysis, and digital/ graphical tablets so that none of the academic requirements is compromised.

R, Stata, SPSS, Minitab, Jamovi, and Nvivo

For guidance in different phases of Survey Research at the Bachelor’s level, the fee per hour is £ 60.

Researchers and students are supposed to seek the consent of the Supervisor regards the time of the Supervisor to review related files etc. and make the payment accordingly.

For guidance in different phases of Survey Research at the Master’s level, the fee per hour is £ 65.

Researchers and students are supposed to seek the consent of the Supervisor regards the time of the Supervisor to review related files etc. and make the payment accordingly.

For guidance in Survey Research at the Doctorate level, the fee per hour is £ 70.

Researchers and students are supposed to seek the consent of the Supervisor regards the time of the Supervisor to review related files etc. and make the payment accordingly.

As the guidance and help in thesis requires the time allocation by the supervisor either in terms of reviewing the write-up, reviewing journal articles, and evaluating the work or in the form of reviewing data files, etc., in such situations if the plan to proceed with the supervisor is canceled by the student, the supervisor has the right to mention how much time did they already spent while working with the files as sent by the student, so the refund amount is estimated after compensating the supervisor.

It is greatly recommended to both the stakeholders, to clarify the potential time that the supervisor would take to evaluate the previous work, at the initial stages of the contact.

The ‘Profess’ team encourages both the key stakeholders: students and faculty to get engaged for time commitment, only.

Privacy and protection of contact information are maintained according to GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulations)


    Contact us

    We don’t charge any fee for making contact with the faculty and with research supervisors.

    In order to minimize the contact time with the faculty, and with the intent of extending guidance earliest, we suggest providing sufficient information about your lesson and/or research needs.

    Note: Though the response time is generally a few hours, you should expect a concrete response to your query within a span of one day
