Macroeconomics: Theory and practice

Are you building a macro-econometric model or do you need help with the course contents in macroeconomics?

‘Profess’ faculty can provide a hands-on approach in macroeconomics. Following are our teaching preferences:

Conceptualization and constructs:

To help conceptualize the core concepts, and constructs of the macroeconomic framework of analyses.

Use of visual and algebraic manipulations:

To demonstrate graphically and algebraically, how analytical macro models are specified, developed, and function.

Familiarization with historic evolution of schools of thought:

To make understand the evolution of schools of thought, and presentation of their narratives as part of macro models.

Policy choices in alternative paradigms:

To demonstrate policy choices, as suggested by different schools of thought, keeping in view assumptions of the prominent schools of thought, and by using analytical frameworks.


Along with the emphasis on theory, supplementing real-time data to illustrate and demonstrate the practical and empirical foundation and underpinning of analysis.

Supplementing digitalization tools:

To facilitate digitized learning in online tutoring, supplementing the graphical tablet, the Microsoft Whiteboard, and screen sharing options, so that student(s) get a similar feel to a live classroom.

About the faculty

Faculty in Economics, have been teaching series of courses in Macroeconomics at bachelor’s as well as to master’s level students for over 13 years.

Involved in curriculum design in a series of courses in macroeconomics.

Has experience in thesis supervision, in the domain of economics.

Has published Journal articles and attended international conferences.

Worked as a consultant on two contractual projects.

Reviews and recommendations

Superb! It has been an excellent opportunity for me to learn Macroeconomics and topics in Microeconomics from the ‘Profess’ faculty. He is quite an experienced teacher with full command over the use of visual and algebraic illustrations, along with strong theoretical knowledge. Great learning experience!

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


I am so glad for your help and teaching! You are amazing all the way with tutoring me in Microeconomics. I am grateful for your help in my essay on Antitrust legislation and enforcement. It has been a pleasure working with you!

The competent’ is the expression that comes to mind when I think about him. He is that smart avid person who inspires everyone with his intellectual, creative, responsible, calm, witty, cool-headed attitude.

I was always looking forward to enjoying his’s capacity to influence a meeting and get people on board with his analytical ideas—even people who were initially on completely different pages.

No subscription or any other charges to get connected with the faculty.

All faculty and supervisors are duly equipped with all needed academic tools such as access to databases of academic literature, packages of the data analysis, and digital/ graphical tablets so that none of the academic requirements is compromised.

For guidance on selected course contents, the fee per hour is £80.

While for guidance and feedback in assignments or in term projects, students are supposed to seek the consent of the faculty regarding their time to review related files, etc.

An hour is estimated as 60 minutes in all cases.

15 hours of exclusive teaching of course contents, over a span of 8 weeks. Total fee: £ 1100.

If there are more than one course participant, each of the students gets a 30% discount on the total fee.

16 hours of exclusive teaching of course contents, over a span of 8 weeks. Total fee: £ 1300.

If there are more than one course participant, each of the students gets a 30% discount on the total fee.

The ‘Profess’ team encourages both the key stake holders: students and faculty to get engaged for time commitment, only. Beyond the time binding, it is ill advised and not permissible to seek any other commitment, such as in terms of grades etc.

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    Contact us:

    We don't charge any fee for making contact with the faculty and with research supervisors.

    In order to minimize the contact time with the faculty, and with the intent of extending guidance earliest, we suggest providing sufficient information about your lesson and/or research needs

    Note: Though the response time is generally a few hours, you should expect a concrete response to your query within a span of one day